Internet of Things

Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) down in Las Vegas.  I was amazed at all of the different technologies showcased at CES.  Beautiful 8K televisions, cool looking drones, VR gear, self-driving cars and gadgets of every kind were peppered throughout the show floor.  My eyes were truly feasting on the cool products and ideas that CES had to offer.

One of the more powerful themes that kept coming forward at CES was the emerging Internet of Things, otherwise known as IoT.  The basic idea with IoT is that devices of all sorts are connected to other devices.  Events and actions throughout the device chain produce some form of utility for the consumer.  It seemed like every CES exhibit was trying to show how their device could talk with other devices in some way.

Home automation companies are embracing this concept with the promise of making lives easier for consumers.  Companies have developed sensors that send events to other devices or run a set of rules within engines like IFTTT.  IoT is about bridging things together in any way possible, and creative people have been finding a way to make connections that wouldn’t have been thought of in the past.  The limit is one’s imagination.

I’m curious to see where IoT takes us in the future.  It promises to be a fun ride wherever it goes.

What to write?

There are many days where it is simply difficult to figure out what to write about.  Today is one of those days.  I haven’t used this site much in the last while, but I feel compelled to put something down within it.

I guess we can say the same about life sometimes.  We don’t always know what to do but it makes sense for us to just keep plugging away.  Sometimes meaning comes from just diving into whatever task might be at hand.  Onward and upward might actually be a useful strategy.

To all those who aren’t sure what the daily grind may provide, I hope that you find value in the journey as well as the eventual destination.  The story of our lives is often written as we live it, and that isn’t all bad.  Sometimes not knowing how your life will be written is the best way to start your masterpiece.

On a different note, it looks like all the Ukrainians decided to stop visiting the site. Now it’s residents of Brazil that have taken an interest.

Que bom que você veio !

Interesting Stats

As of this writing, there have been over 2,100 hits to this site even though there is really nothing of any significance on it. I assume that several of the visitors are bots of some kind. I like visits of all kinds, so bots are welcome.

If you aren’t a bot, I’d be interested in learning why you ended up here. Perhaps you are an insomniac that has stumbled onto the site in the early hours of the morning. Maybe you like the picture of a mountain.

Whatever your reason, feel free to drop a comment.

About a third of the hits have come from hosts in Ukraine. I’m not sure why Ukrainians might be interested in the site, but I hope you are enjoying it anyway. I’ve always wanted to visit Ukraine because it seems like a land of tremendous opportunity. The many Ukrainians I have met over the years have painted a beautiful picture of their homeland. My thoughts and prayers are with the Ukrainian people – especially those in areas that are in turmoil.

Anyway, thanks for dropping by.

Дякую за увагу to you Ukrainians out there.

Wow – I’m back on the web.

Fifteen years ago I used resources at my university to create some basic web pages.  That site disappeared after I graduated.  Although I’ve worked in technology the entire time, I haven’t had a site since.  I’m not sure how often I’ll use the site or what I will end up doing with it, but it’s been kind of fun to put this together.  I guess I’ll just see where it takes me.  Feel free to let me know what you think.

Here is a mountain.

